
Splines are vector shapes made up of Bezier curves joined together by vertexes.
Splines are the most commonly used objects in any normal animation done with Synfig, and can be made using the Spline Tool and many other Tools.
A spline of Spline. Can see orange vertex and yellow tangent handles

A spline of “Spline”. Can see orange vertex and yellow tangent Handle

On the WorkArea you can manipulate the Spline shape by both handles (vertex or tangent) and directly from the spline segment (the curve).

See Also

  • Spline Tool page for more information.

  • The Draw Tool has an option to Extend a spline.

  • The How Do I page’s Artwork_Composition ([Doc:How_Do_I#Artwork_Composition]) section has some entries about spline stuff.

Project for illustration : Spline_of_spline.sifz